Goals are the main milestones people should achieve while active in a Workflow. When someone achieves a Goal step in a Workflow they are pulled down from any point in the Workflow above it to that Goal step.
Add a Goal to a Workflow:
- Click the + icon in the Workflow at the point you'd like to add a Goal
- Select Goal
- Select the event that will trigger the Goal
- Click Update Trigger
When people achieve the event selected, they will be pulled down to the Goal.
Goals as Workflow Entry Points
Turn on the option to Allow people not already in this workflow to enter and start here when this goal is triggered to allow entry into the Workflow at that point when a person triggers the Goal step.
Goals Placed Side by Side
When Goals are set up side by side, only one of the goals must be met for a person to trigger into the workflow.
Goals and Email Series
If a person is subscribed to an Email Series and then achieves a Goal further down the Workflow, the person will be unsubscribed from the Email Series by default.
To retain people's Email Series subscription once a Goal is achieved, enable the Continue sending series emails even if a goal is achieved setting from within the "Subscribe a person to an email series" Action step.
Goals in the Middle of Workflows
If you place a Goal in the middle of your Workflow, you have created an Exitless Path. Everyone must achieve this Goal to continue moving through the Workflow or they will be stuck above your Goal.