Custom Fields can be applied to people in Workflows, Rules, and Bulk Operations through the Set a primary or custom field value on a person's profile action.
To set a Custom Field in a Workflow:
Click Workflows > Workflows
Select the Workflow where you'd like to set the Custom Field
Click the + icon in the Workflow where you’d like to set a Custom Field
Select Action
Select Set a primary or custom field value on a person's profile
Select the Custom Field Identifier, or enter a new one
Enter the Value
Click Update Action
To set a Custom Field in a Rule
Click Workflows > Rules
Select the Rule where you'd like to set a Custom Field
In the Action step of the Rule, select Set a primary or custom field value on a person's profile
Select the Custom Field Identifier, or enter a new one
Enter the Value
Click Save Rule
Bulk Operations
To set a Custom Field with Bulk Operation:
Click People > Bulk Operations
Click + New Bulk Operation
Select Choose a segment
Click Next Step
Select the segment of people you’d like to set a custom field from the People Filter and click Begin
Select Set a primary or custom field value on a person's profile
Select the Custom Field Identifier, or enter a new one
Enter the Value
Click Next
Select Immediately
Click Perform Operation
CSV File Import
Set a Custom Field value through a CSV file import by using the Custom Field name (or identifier) as a header. Upon import, Drip will replace spaces with "_". For example custom field identifier
will be formatted as custom_field_identifier
. To learn more about importing a CSV file, check out our Import Your Data to Drip Guide.
API Call
You can set a Custom Field for people through our JavaScript and REST APIs.