Email Metrics
Email metrics such as open, click and unsubscribe rates are tracked for all single campaign emails, whether or not revenue attribution applies.
The total number of people that received the email. The number shown here is used to calculate email, click, and unsubscribe rates.
Open Rate
The percentage of people that opened the email. This metric is calculated as the total number of unique email opens, divided by the total number of recipients.
Click Rate
The percentage of people that clicked a link inside the email. This metric is calculated as the total number of unique email clicks, divided by the total number of recipients.
Unsubscribe Rate
The percentage of people that unsubscribed from your list through the unsubscribe link in the email. This metric is calculated as the total number of unsubscribes, divided by the total number of recipients.
Revenue Metrics
Revenue metrics include total overall revenue, revenue per person, and the average order value of the people that received the email. Revenue metrics are tracked only for accounts that track revenue through revenue attribution.
The total amount of revenue earned from the campaign. This metric is used to calculate the revenue per person and average order value rates. Returned and canceled orders are not reflected.
Revenue Per Person
The average revenue generated by the people who received the email. This metric is calculated as the total revenue earned, divided by the total number of recipients.
Average Order Value
The average value of each order made from the people that received the email. This metric is calculated as the total revenue earned, divided by the total number of orders received.