The Magento extension will no longer be available to new Drip customers on June 23rd, 2023.
In this article, we will go over the data that’s sent to Drip from Magento. If you’re a developer, and you’re looking for more technical details for each event, refer to our API docs.
Synced Customer Data
The following data is synced when a new customer is created in Magento and will be added to a person’s Profile in Drip.
First name and last name will be added as profile fields, all other data points will be added as Custom Fields in Drip.
- First and last name
- Birthday
- Gender
- Magento source
- Storefront
- Admin
- Account created
- Customer group
- Store
- Email preference
- Magento Newsletter
Customer Events
Customer created
This event is triggered when a new customer is created in Magento (including via checkout or order).
- Email address: the customer's email address.
- IP address: the customer's IP address (if available).
- Browser user-agent: the customer's browser user agent (if available).
- Time zone in Olson format: the customer's timezone in tz database format (if available).
- Synced customer data above.
Customer updated
- Same as Customer created above.
Customer logged in
- Same as Customer deleted above.
Cart Events
Cart events fire when a customer makes changes to their shopping cart in Magento.
Created a cart
Triggers if the user is logged in, and they add something to their shopping bag. Triggers if the user is not logged in after they enter their email address in and leave the input field.
Key Data:
- Email address
- Provider: Magento
- Person ID: Drip’s unique identifier for the person record
- Action: placed
- Cart ID: the Magento internal cart ID for the person’s cart
- Occurred at: the timestamp of the cart’s creation or update (used primarily for historical data syncing)
- Grant total: the total amount of the cart, after any discounts
- Total discounts: the total discount amount of the cart
- Currency: the alphabetic ISO 4217 code for the currency
- Cart URL: URL to the customer’s cart in Magento
- Version: the Magento store and Drip extension versions
- Items: passed as an array with the following included per line item
- product_id (from Magento)
- product_variant_id (if applicable, from Magento)
- Sku
- name
- brand (if a customer has a custom attribute called "brand" defined, this goes here
- categories (comma-separated list of all Magento subcategories applied to this product)
- price
- quantity
- discount
- total: line item total after quantity and discount
- product_url: the Magento store URL for the product
- image_url: hosted on the Magento store
- Items count: the number of products in their cart
- Received at: the timestamp that Drip receives the event (only relevant if you don’t send occurred_at)
Non-essential data:
- Account parameter
- Initial status
- Source: Magento integration leverages our Shopper Activity API
- Magento source
- Subject type: cart
Updated a cart
Triggers when a customer updates the quantity of an existing cart, adds/removes items from an existing cart, adds/ removes a discount from an existing cart, adds/ removes shipping from an existing cart, or adds/ removes tax from an existing cart.
Same as Created a cart above
Order Events
Order events trigger off of the order status in Magento.
Key data:
- Email address
- Provider: Magento
- Order ID: Magento’s internal ID for the order
- Public order ID: Magento’s customer-facing ID for the order
- Person id: Drip’s unique identifier for the person
- Total discounts: total discounts across all items in the order
- Grand total: the total amount the customer agreed to pay, including taxes, shipping, and discounts
- Total taxes: total tax on the order
- Total discounts: total discounts across all items in the order
- Total fees: any additional feeds
- Total shipping: total shipping charges on the order (if applicable)
- Currency: the alphabetic ISO 4217 code for the currency of the order
- Items count: the number of unique items in the order
- Magento source: the source of the order (Storefront, Admin, or API)
- Version: the Magento store and Drip extension versions
- Items: An array with the following included per item
- product_id: a unique identifier for the product as stored in Magento
- SKU: the product SKU
- name: the product name
- brand: the product’s brand, vendor, or manufacturer
- categories: an array of categories (e.g. shores, vitamins, books, videos)
- price: the price of a single product
- quantity: the quantity of the item ordered
- discount: the discount on the item, taking quantity into account. For example, a $2.66 discount per item would be $5.34 if that item was of quantity 2
- taxes: the taxes on the items, taking quantity into account like “discount” above.
- total: the line item total after quantity, discount, taxes, fees, and shipping.
- product_url: the Magento store URL for the product
- image_url: the product’s image URL, as stored and hosted on Magento
- Billing address
- label: the label describing the billing address
- first_name: the first name on the billing address
- last_name: the last name on the billing address
- company: the company on the billing address
- address_1: the billing street address
- address_2: additional line of the billing street address
- city: the billing address city
- state: the billing address state
- postal_code: the billing address postal code
- country: the billing address country
- phone: the phone number associated with the billing address
- Shipping address
- label: the label describing the shipping address
- first_name: the first name on the shipping address
- last_name: the last name on the shipping address
- company: the company on the shipping address
- address_1: the shipping street address
- address_2: additional line of the shipping street address
- city: the shipping address city
- state: the shipping address state
- postal_code: the shipping address postal code
- country: the shipping address country
- phone: the phone number associated with the shipping address
Non-essential data:
- Account parameter: Drip account ID
- Action: placed, updated, canceled, refunded, fulfilled
- Initial status: active, unsubscribed
- Occurred at: the timestamp of the cart’s creation or update (used primarily for historical data syncing)
- Received at: the timestamp that Drip receives the event (only relevant if you don’t send occurred_at)
Updated an order
Fires when an order's state is set to something other than Complete, Refunded or Canceled. The following data is sent over from Magento:
- Same as Placed an order above.
If the grand_total
property is different from that in the Placed an Order event, the Drip person’s LTV will be updated accordingly.
Canceled an order
Fires when an order’s status is set to Cancelled.
- Subject type: order or cart.
- Same as Placed an order above.
Product Events
Product events trigger off of product views in Magento.
Viewed a product
Fires when a product is viewed in your Magento store (even if the email address is unknown).
In order to track product views, Drip's Javascript snippet needs to be installed on all product pages.
The following data is sent to Drip:
- Email address
- Product ID: a unique identifier for the product
- Sku: the product SKU
- Product name: the name of the product
- Brand: the product’s brand, vendor, or manufacturer
- Categories: an array of categories (e.g. shores, vitamins, books, videos)
- Price: all values in cents (e.g. $12.00 = 1200). If a non-USD currency, it will be whatever the smallest denomination is
- Compared at price: all values in cents (e.g. $12.00 = 1200). If a non-USD currency, it will be whatever the smallest denomination is.
- Currency: the alphabetic ISO 4217 code for the currency
- Product URL: the Magento store URL for the product
- Image URL: the product’s image URL, as stored and hosted on Magento
- URL: the Magento store URL for the product
- Source: Magento
- Version: the Magento store and Drip extension versions
Newsletter Events
When a new customer is added to Magento’s Newsletter group:
- A new person record is created in Drip via the Customer created event.
- A custom field
is set with the name of their Newsletter group in Magento. - Their email preference in Drip is Active > subscribed.
When an existing customer is removed from Magento’s Newsletter group:
- A custom field
is set toblank
. - The matching Drip person record is unsubscribed from all mailings. Their email preference in Drip is Active > unsubscribed or Inactive.
Learn more about marketing preference in our Engage with All People guide.