Register as an Agency Partner
You do not need to complete this section if you are already registered as an Agency Partner. Not sure if you are registered? Search your email “Your Drip application has been approved.” To register:
Navigate to
Fill out the form with the required information
Click Submit for review
You will hear back from a Drip representative within 3-5 business days. If you do not hear back from the team within 5 business days, contact us at or message us via the PartnerStack partner portal (preferred method).
Create your Account and Login to PartnerStack
Create your Account
Scroll towards the bottom of the page and click Sign Up
Enter the same information you provided the Agency Partner team. First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and new Password. If your account information doesn’t match what you provided the Agency Partner team.
Fill out the Agree to the terms of service checkbox
Log in to your PartnerStack Account
Enter your email address and password
Click Get Started
Forgot your password? Click the forgot password option on the PartnerStack page or follow along with this How do I reset my password doc. Drip's Support team cannot reset your PartnerStack password, but you can reach out to PartnerStack's support -
Submitting a Lead
Leads are specifically for referral partners to submit a potential client to Drip for review.
To submit a lead, you’ll need to be logged into your partner dashboard in PartnerStack. From there, you will simply go to your referrals tab and fill out the necessary fields. Once you submit it will be sent to Drip for review. Check out PartnerStack's guidance on submitting a lead here.
Lead Status
The status of your submitted lead will update as they go through the approval process. The lead statuses include:
- New: new submitted lead which has not yet been reviewed by our team
- Qualified: lead has been reviewed. A lead may stay in qualified status prior to initial Drip account signup, or during the trial period before your lead fully converts to a paying customer
- Disqualified: lead has been reviewed and has been rejected. The most common reason is simply poor data where the lead could not be validated - you are welcome to resubmit with updated information or reach out to us directly with questions.
- Closed Won: lead has converted to a paying customer
- Closed Lost: lead has not been converted. A lead will be marked as closed lost either after 90 days of submission with no signup activity OR after the lead has canceled their Drip subscription
For more information about your PartnerStack dashboard see PartnerStack’s Dashboard 101 doc. For more information on what a Referral is in PartnerStack check out this doc.