What is Clerk?
Clerk.io is a product recommendation engine powered by Artificial Intelligence.
By using the Clerk element in our Campaign Builder, you can add dynamic product recommendations to your Onsite campaigns.
🚨 Note: You need a Clerk account to use this feature.
How to Use Clerk Recommendations in Your Campaigns
- Log in to your Clerk account and click “Settings” on the left sidebar.
- Click “API Keys” under the menu and copy your “Public API Key”.
4. Insert the API Key you copied in Step #2. 5. Choose a style to display your products in. Currently, there are two options available: "Slide" and "Card"
🤓 Hint: In Slide view, your visitors can change between products with a sliding motion. In Card view, products switch with a card flip animation.
6. Next, choose the recommendation logic in which your products will be displayed.
Clerk offers five recommendation options -you can choose from:
- Popular: The most popular products in your store
- Trending: Bestselling products of the day
- Specific Recommendations: Show specific products based on ID's (click to read more)
- Currently Watched: Products other visitors are viewing right now
- Recently Bought: Products recently bought by other customers in your store
You can choose between: Danish Krone, Euro, Great Britain Pound, Norwegian Krone, Swedish Krone, US Dollar, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, New Zealand Dollars, and Singapore Dollars.
8. Choose the number of products you want to recommend in your campaign.🤓 Hint: We recommend showing at least 3 products.
How to use Specific Recommendations
The "Specific Recommendations" logic allows you to show products based on their Clerk Product ID's.
Once you've chosen this option you'll see a new text box in the sidebar - here you can paste in the ID's of the products you wish to include from Clerk.
You can locate the ID's by logging into your Clerk account and clicking "Data" in the sidebar on the left:
Now, click "Products":
Use the search field to find the right products and copy one of the ID's:
Go back to Drip and paste in the ID and end it with a comma - this will turn the ID into a tag and add the product in the campaign right away:
Repeat this step and add as many products as you need.
How to style the product carrousel
After your product logic settings you'll find the styling options by scrolling down in the sidebar. Here you can style the product carrousel to make the element match the look and feel of your website.
You can style the background and border options which will apply to the product card:
You can style the drop shadow and the product text:
With the button options you can give the button and the button text the look that you need. With the arrow options you can increase the size of the arrows and update the color so it stands out from the rest of the element: