Drip Forms are a legacy feature, being replaced by Onsite Campaigns. If your account is created after November 2022, you will have access to Drip's new Onsite product instead.
To access a list of your Forms, click the Forms > Forms tab.
Filter the Forms List to view those with the status of Draft, Active, Paused, or All. By default, the list will show forms of All statuses. The list can be sorted by oldest, alphabetical order, reversed alphabetical order, or customized order.
Search Forms
Locate an individual form by entering its name into the search bar.
Organize your forms based on their purpose using Groups.
Widget Open Rate
The percentage at which the form was opened for the web visitor. This metric includes manual opens and automatic opens.
Widget Submissions
The total number of unique times the widget has been submitted.
Widget Submission Rate
The percentage of visitors that have submitted the widget.
These metrics only apply to the Form Widget, they do not apply for Embedded, Hosted, or existing third-party forms wired to Drip.