Before you create a new RSS-to-Email Rule, contact our support specialists to get the feature enabled in your account.
RSS-to-Email is a Rule that performs a search through your really simple syndicate (RSS) feed on a recurring schedule. Drip generates a Single Email Campaign email with the new RSS feed content each time the Rule performs its search.
Create RSS-to-Email Rule
To create a new RSS-to-Email Rule:
- Go to Workflows > RSS-to-Email
- Click + New RSS-to-Email Rule
Once created, you'll land on the page to enter the URL to your RSS feed, configure the recurring schedule to search for new content, and select the segment of people to receive the Single Email Campaign email.
Rule Name
A Rule's name is internal only and we'll never show it to the people on your list.
To rename an RSS-to-Email Rule:
Click on the Rule Name
Enter a new name
Click Save
Activate or Pause RSS-to-Email Rule
RSS-to-Email Rules remain paused until activated. You must first verify your RSS feed before it's possible to activate the Rule.
Click the drop-down
Click Activate
When a Rule is paused, you'll see the following message underneath the Rule's name.
Rule Actions
The Actions drop-down contains the following functionality:
Duplicate creates a new RSS-to-Email Rule in your account.
Delete removes the Rule and all of its data from your account. This cannot be undone.