Offering access to a whitepaper, eBook, iPaper catalog, or any form of content you host somewhere online, can help you collect quality email addresses.
In this guide, we'll show how you can create an Onsite campaign that gives your visitors access to a whitepaper in exchange for signing up.
1. Visit your campaign builder to create a new campaign, and choose a Form campaign.
2. Choose a template you like, and design your Form and Teaser steps. (Remember to check the mobile versions too. 🤓)
3. Next, decide how you'd like to deliver your whitepaper to your visitors. Here are two options:
(1) Use the Success Step and add a download link to your button:
(2) Disable the Success Step and redirect visitors to the page your whitepaper is hosted:
Either way, your new subscribers will have access to your content right away, after submitting their email address. ✔